Exquisitely Curated European Lighting.



Chiaramonte Marin DesignStudio

Chiaramonte Marin DesignStudio



The founders of Chiaramonte Marin Studio are some of Italy’s most talented designers. Alfredo Chiaramonte, born in Bologna in 1961, studied architecture in Venice. Marco Marin, born in Venice in 1964, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts with a degree in industrial design. This combination of training in architecture and industrial design is one of their many strengths as a team.

Their twin passions for objects is the glue that bonds their professional partnership and fuels their dedication to industrial design as they take on projects through their Venice-based Chiaramonte Marin DesignStudio. The varied activities they have undertaken through the years include interior design, graphic design, industrial design and lighting design, each infused with a breadth of knowledge in these fields that makes them sought after as a design team.

They have received several awards, including accolades from the Museo Correr, Venice; SFMOMA, San Francisco; Fondazione Anna Querci; and La Biennale di Venezia, the latter for collaborating on a project with Yoko Ono. In an interview, they noted where they find their ideas: “Inspiration comes from the most disparate things, from everything that surrounds us, from nature, from a journey.” They believe the magic most often happens when they are working in tandem.

Their collaborations with well-known companies includes Andromeda International, Axo Light, Artificia, Bonaldo, Calligaris, Cattelan Italia, Emu group, Eurobags, Estasis, Fornasarig, Gruppo editoriale Gemina, Hoffman Italia, Miniforms, Moulinex, NasonMoretti, Renault Italia, Sica, and Vistosi. A perusal of the products they have designed for these companies illustrates the flexibility of their design team, which continues to move between materials with ease. The dynamic duo designed several fixtures in the Global Lighting Hind Rabii Collection.

Products by Chiaramonte Marin DesignStudio